Monday, December 29, 2008

The Cutest Laundry

Jeff & I have started folding laundry in the living room vs. upstairs in our room - really for no particular reason, other than we can tend to both kids better downstairs where all their toys are. The other week, we found Noah on the couch in the empty basket. What I find funny, is he was "reading" his New Testament Bible he received at his Dedication back in February '07. He often can be found taking this to bed with him, too - he'll say "My book, my idd-le (little) book. My read." It makes my heart warm that he wants to hold/read his Bible...
Even more recently, now that Noah is sick, he often lays on my lap, looks up at me, covers his eyes & asks me to pray. As much work as it is when he is sick, he's so precious - and I'll pray with him a million times a day if he asks me to. All I know is, he's learning and growing - and I'm proud of my lil' man.


JLBarnes said...

Haha! What a cutie pie! I think it's so neat that he carries his Bible around. How precious! (ugh, I can't wait to have kids someday!!) haha

JoEllen said...

what a grin! he is so cute. I wish I lived closer so I could come play with him.