Friday, August 01, 2008

Sunday #2 (July 27th)

Norah - at 12 days old... after our 2nd Sunday in church as a family of four. I realize I've said that before - and many of you dear readers have more than TWO children; I applaud you - I'm SO proud of us that we're making it to church on time now that we have (both) our hands full!Norah was getting tired of this photo shoot...SO, I took some sun-tea out to my husband who is so ambitous to do the driveway himself this summer... (He DID turn around & say to me, "Why are these broom handles SO short?" I had a great reply of, "I don't know, dear.")


Unknown said...

Norah is so alert! Love the yawning...seriously, more pictures Mom?!

Abigail said...

Norah is so beautiful.

And I love the picture of you with your children. You look great!