Sunday, December 06, 2009

And Yes, We Went Trick or Treating, Too

It's been SO long since I've posted, now time to play catch-up. Norah enjoyed playing with Noah's Buzzlightyear wings & was eager to help.Noah - getting ready!He was the cutest little Buzz!Noah didn't always hold this still...he often was jumping off the furniture, saying he was flying... and yelling out, "To infinity & beyond!" ...very cute, not so good for the furniture though.I drew the "Buzz chin" on Noah & he had to check it out.Norah's turn to get ready.She kept meowing like a kitty - TOO cute!I'm ready to go, Mom.The kids LOVED trick-or-treating this year. We just go to the neighbors, then my brother & sister-in-law, Kelly & Steve's (friends from church), then my aunts & uncles & grandparents...a 3-hour outing & Noah just had so much fun. He kept saying, "Where to next, I need to get more candy!"

1 comment:

Griffen said...

Oh my word. CUTEST!!!