And this is my beverage of choice on a cold, wintery night while I post...
I love reading to Noah before bed - he often tries to turn the pages OR at least suck on a few.
Hee heeeeee ha haaa ha haaaaaaheeeeeeee Heeeeee...
You could take a ride on this to see the sites!
Windmills everywhere you look.
I chose THIS delicious cheese danish... from all of THIS... by taking this complimentary coupon to this village bakery across the street from our Inn.
We stopped to spend the night in Solvang. What a beautiful Dutch community. My aunt & uncle also recommended the outdoor theater to us & we were able to see Brigadoon.
One of my favorite parts of traveling California were visiting the missions. Jeff & I both could walk the missions for days and stand in awe of the gardens!
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
We're getting some snow here...finally. It's very beautiful, but too bad it's about a month late!
One of our first stops while Becky was here visiting was: The Cheesecake Factory! It was rather chaotic there & the atmosphere wasn't as good as what it is in Chicago or Vegas, but the food was still delicious!
Sunday, January 21, 2007
This is Noah's first trip to the Buffalo Airport. I picked up my best friend, Becky, on January 13th and she stayed until yesterday, the 20th. Noah not only loved the airport...but Aunt Becky as well!
Argh* My pictures are all out of order & quite the mess... We visited Jeff's family for Christmas on Dec. 23rd and left our camera behind. As you all can tell, I haven't had a chance to post because I've been camera-less. It's horrible not being able to take pictures daily. Noah's getting much bigger & is loads of fun - when he isn't busy taking a quick snooze.