After dinner, nearly every night we go outside with the kiddos. Norah was taking her turn with the lawnmower.

Until Noah says, "My turn" - his version of "sharing." Basically, he calls "my turn" whenever he wants what he sees Norah found. Off he goes & Norah scoots into the garage to see what else she can get her hands on.

Then, Noah runs around, around, and around.

And around some more. I have no idea how he has SO much
constant energy!

Take a breather - for just a few seconds...until he asks if he can take a shower (another favorite activity) and have a snack!
Looks like a typical evening at our house, too! I agree with you, how can the kiddos run around all day and evening without stopping???
Enjoy your summer outdoor days!!!
Noah's quite the "sharing" machine, huh? Lol. Gotta love the bubble mower. It must be pretty nice that he actually likes taking a shower!
If only we could bottle some of that energy and use it ourselves! :)
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