Wednesday, January 30, 2008


Noah had an MRI done at Buffalo Children's on January 21st. Results came back and everything is PERFECTLY normal!
We are so thankful for the good news - it looks like Noah's nystagmus was "simply" congenital after all - just something he was born with.
This means that no more tests need to be done.

God is so good.

Meanwhile, all of us (minus Noah) have had our bouts with the flu. Hopefully February will bring better health... it's tiring square-dancing about this house with this sickness.


Abigail said...

Good news!

About Noah, no the flu.

Get better!

Abigail said...

not the flu

sarah said...

of course...i keep coming here and thinking- that boy looks perfect. he's cute as a bean and does what he should.

Praise God.